Western New York

Philosophy & Science
Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame
January 27 | 6:30 PM
St. John Fisher College, room WEGNUR 101.
In person for Fisher students - Zoom recording available | Request.
Philosophy & Religion
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Rochester
February 17 | 7:00 PM
St. John Fisher College, room WEGPHARM 129.
In person for Fisher students - Zoom recording available | Request
Religion & Politics
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame & Ethics and Public Policy Center
Co-Sponsored by the Center for Statesmanship, Law and Liberty, RIT
March 14 | 7:30 PM
Rochester Institute of Technology, Golisano 1400 (J Lot parking)
Science & Religion
Professor and Chair, Department of Astronomy, Cornell University
Co-Sponsored by the Society of Catholic Scientists
Seminars are free and open to the public in person or by zoom, depending on location.
Students that attend the series may request a certificate of completion.
For more information write to: contact@agathoninstitute.org